Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Road Condition

The condition of the main road has deteriorated with the heavy rains recently. Everything is passable, but we need to be careful to avoid heavy vehicles/equipment and loggers. Several individuals have become stuck in the mud after leaving the main road. Please be careful. The flooding at RB has been exceptional this year.

Mike Settlege has decided not to sell his property. This means that only the Kimberly Jones property is currently for sale. Mark Hawe is showing the property and receives calls weekly.

Vandalism of the front gate lock required a replacement. It is a combination lock, and you will need to call me or sign for the number at JR Moore store to get the combination. Please make an effort to lock with both shanks of the lock. It helps prevent vandalism.

This was a successful year for the hunters. Mike tells me that they harvested 8 deer including one with a record 19 inch rack. Large packs of coyotes have returned and reduced the turkey population.

I have recently mowed the brush on each side of the road to avoid scratches to vehicles.