Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Hello Deep RiverBenders

Our properties continue to prosper as a wonderful respite from some of the challenges of our times. I see signs of interest among current and prospective owners. Much of this interest is a result of a renewed interest in social distancing with a "back to nature" theme. Brian Greene has renewed his interest in keeping and upgrading his property and recently we hiked his parcel and he showed me his massive grove of red oaks, and other features that are rare and refreshing in today's world. 

Some recent events to be aware of:

1. The yellow gate lock succumbed to the elements and had to be replaced. The new code has been sent to owners, the poor boys club, David Watts. Please share this only with eligible individuals.

2. The rain has been uncommonly heavy this year, but the road remains passable. Modest repairs will likely be needed when this weather pattern abates in April or May. When visiting, be cautious about driving off road. It is easy to get stuck and relatively hard to get assistance. 

3. There is no indication that Bobby Branch will attempt to renew his landfill rezoning. There is currently an active firing range on that property. 

4. Our neighbor family the Nicholas Smiley's and their daughters have sold their home. He will pursue full time pastor role and his wife will resume her nursing career. We wish them the best! Wonderful to have known them. The new family is similarly interested in small plot farming and have 3 daughters with grandparents occupying one of the outbuildings.

5. Mr Tucker Withington, a Chatham county neighbor of Dave W, has been using the 14 acre parcel at the point for recreation/camping. When I spoke with DW and TW recently, it seems they have an informal plan to transfer that parcel to Mr. Withington in the future. I will keep the group posted. 

6. Several owners have mentioned a consideration of sales, but none have acted on this and as above, Brian Greene removed his property from the market. The buyer canceled his offer because of the months long delay in getting a Lee County septic permit.