Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Hello Deep RiverBenders

Our properties continue to prosper as a wonderful respite from some of the challenges of our times. I see signs of interest among current and prospective owners. Much of this interest is a result of a renewed interest in social distancing with a "back to nature" theme. Brian Greene has renewed his interest in keeping and upgrading his property and recently we hiked his parcel and he showed me his massive grove of red oaks, and other features that are rare and refreshing in today's world. 

Some recent events to be aware of:

1. The yellow gate lock succumbed to the elements and had to be replaced. The new code has been sent to owners, the poor boys club, David Watts. Please share this only with eligible individuals.

2. The rain has been uncommonly heavy this year, but the road remains passable. Modest repairs will likely be needed when this weather pattern abates in April or May. When visiting, be cautious about driving off road. It is easy to get stuck and relatively hard to get assistance. 

3. There is no indication that Bobby Branch will attempt to renew his landfill rezoning. There is currently an active firing range on that property. 

4. Our neighbor family the Nicholas Smiley's and their daughters have sold their home. He will pursue full time pastor role and his wife will resume her nursing career. We wish them the best! Wonderful to have known them. The new family is similarly interested in small plot farming and have 3 daughters with grandparents occupying one of the outbuildings.

5. Mr Tucker Withington, a Chatham county neighbor of Dave W, has been using the 14 acre parcel at the point for recreation/camping. When I spoke with DW and TW recently, it seems they have an informal plan to transfer that parcel to Mr. Withington in the future. I will keep the group posted. 

6. Several owners have mentioned a consideration of sales, but none have acted on this and as above, Brian Greene removed his property from the market. The buyer canceled his offer because of the months long delay in getting a Lee County septic permit.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


The blackberries have begun to ripen. Due to the favorable weather conditions, the number of blackberries is enormous. Take a bucket with you at your next visit. While visiting RB yesterday, I saw unmistakable signs of bears. Be careful they are usually safe unless they have cubs with them. There have been 3 bear sightings in the city of Sanford recently. 

Turkey populations have rebounded from two years of decline due to coyotes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Road Condition

The condition of the main road has deteriorated with the heavy rains recently. Everything is passable, but we need to be careful to avoid heavy vehicles/equipment and loggers. Several individuals have become stuck in the mud after leaving the main road. Please be careful. The flooding at RB has been exceptional this year.

Mike Settlege has decided not to sell his property. This means that only the Kimberly Jones property is currently for sale. Mark Hawe is showing the property and receives calls weekly.

Vandalism of the front gate lock required a replacement. It is a combination lock, and you will need to call me or sign for the number at JR Moore store to get the combination. Please make an effort to lock with both shanks of the lock. It helps prevent vandalism.

This was a successful year for the hunters. Mike tells me that they harvested 8 deer including one with a record 19 inch rack. Large packs of coyotes have returned and reduced the turkey population.

I have recently mowed the brush on each side of the road to avoid scratches to vehicles.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Our HOA has formed and we have declared that we are the only authority dealing with homeowner/property owner issues. Please identify any issues or concerns to me.

David Gremillion
President, Riverbend HOA

Parcel for sale

Mike and Sharon Settlege have decided to sell their property. It is a prime lot, with a large river frontage and flat building sites. Labeled MS in picture below. Contact Mike at mike@settlege.com

Monday, August 10, 2015

Highpower line easement

The High power line running through the center of the property has been removed. I was called recently to facilitate access of large Duke Energy truck to go to the area and take out lines and poles. Recently I visited to see if it had been done.

Home Owner Association has been formed. We need to have a followup meeting to set initial bylaws, finalize election of officers and begin consideration of covenant revisions.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Logging continues

It is hard to fathom the extent of commercial logging underway. Very large stands of pine on the Watts property has been cleared. There is no clear cutting except for small areas. Only pine, poplar and sweet gum are planned for cutting, but so far, only pine. This logging will continue for 2-3 more months and has the potential for changing the character of the area. I strongly encourage owners to visit your property and mark it properly. There is a risk of accidental incursion into non-Watts land. 

Hunters are a bit discouraged. Only 15 deer sightings by game cam compared to over 200 at the same time last year. These have been only at night, which is also unusual. They may be attempting to avoid the noise and activity during the day. 

Front gate lock will change on about Nov 1. Everyone will receive a key.
Call if you have any questions,


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fracking article online

A recent article on the investing site "Motley Fool" reviewed the history and current status of the North Carolina fracking controversy. Click here to read. Note in the picture below from the article that Sanford is at the edge of some of the largest deposits on the East Coast.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Beware Logging Trucks

Log trucks entering highway. Dave Watts logging has started at the clearing. He plans to harvest pine, poplar and sweetgum. He plans to save all hardwoods and plant grasses.

Chad Reagan, in picture below, is a one man show, operating 4 pieces of equipment. He told me that this load of pulp wood will fetch $600. Mill-able timber, bottom right, is about 20 inch diameter and will fetch a higher price. Click photo for full view.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Riverbend Owners

Riverbend Owners. Note major stands of timber. David Watts has started harvesting pine, poplar and sweetgum on his lands. Property lines are poorly marked at present.  
DW= Dave Watts, GL = Giang Lee,  SL = Steve Lanning, now Bennie Lee, KJ = Kimberly Jones, MK = Mark Kneilson, MS = Mike Stringham, now Farrukh Hakeem JF = Jenny Fister, SB = Steven Bambara,   BG = Brian Greene, RR= Ryan Rosebourough,   MS = Mike Settledge,   DG = David Gremillion

Monday, August 25, 2014

Road Repair continued

Ricky Tillman has done an excellent job. As the work was progressing, we added several items, resulting in a total cost of $600, an increase of $150. This is an amazing bargain for the work that was done. Added items included: widening of road by 8 feet at this uphill stretch to allow for better sun drying after a rain, 3 washout basins near new cross road trenches (each with multiple boulders), several spot patches between gate and damaged area. See Youtube video. If you have not visited your property recently, this is a great time.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Road Repair

Continued rains over the past week have made the erosion at this section dangerous. This photo shows me at a depth of 18 inches ... enough to flip a vehicle or break an axle. Other areas are knee deep. Repair is urgent. I have contracted with Ricky Tillman for $450 to create a diversion channel above the erosion and put on a new layer of stone. I will pay up front, but hopefully everyone will be willing to chip in to share the cost.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Road Damage

Erosion of road surface has progressed. The heavy rains this spring are causing more damage. This area could become impassable soon if not repaired. Drive slowly on this stretch to avoid more scattering of rocks.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Family Forest Maintenance

An article in Carolina Country magazine is a good review of forestry resources for "family forests."
Carolina Country magazine. Go to page 36-7.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Finally, after years of discussion and planning, we have a secure front gate. David G and Brian G installed the gate over the past two weekends. The gate will not be locked until we have discussed the security strategies with all property owners, real estate agents and local neighbors. This gate will not prevent all trespassing, but will limit dumping, unauthorized hunting, vandalism and timber poaching. 
David and Brian at front gate of Riverbend Plantation, October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Steve Lanning's property (22 acres, parcels S and T) will be auctioned on October 28th at 5pm. Auction will be held at Bestfood Cafeteria, 220 E. 11th Street, Siler City, NC 27344. For more details see this link.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Strange bugs

I recently encountered an unusual phenomenon on the branches of beech trees on my property. Appeared to be a white foam coating from a distance, but up close there were many small insects. On the ground below the limb was a bluish discoloration of the leaves. Does anyone have an idea about this?

Insects on Beech Limb.

Forest floor beneath the limb.

Front Gate

Brian Green has contracted with C&J welding for the construction of a steel gate with lock enclosure.  It should be available within 2 weeks. Brian and I will install the gate and buy a lock. All owners and persons with valid access to RiverBend will receive the combination. There are other points of access to the property, but the front gate will greatly reduce the trespassing.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Deer Season 2013

Deer Season Lee County 2013-2014

Deer season starts soon in Lee County. Please be careful when visiting your property and wear blaze orange for your protection. Also, please be respectful of the members of "Poor Boys Hunting Club." They have paid a lot for the privilege of hunting at RB and they have been responsible and protective. The trespassing has decreased in the past year. The NC "Landowner Protection Act" contains many important provisions. You can view new rules here.

During recent weeks I have seen many deer. It will probably be a great year for hunters. I took this photo recently. This suggests that future years will be great also.