Monday, February 22, 2010

Update from Riverbend

I enjoyed a Sunday hike at Riverbend during the wonderful recent weather. The snow has mostly melted and the small creek beds mostly dry. As with previous visits, I am always surprised by the lack of activity and visitors.

While hiking, I had the startling experience of being surrounded by 6 large dogs. Within 10 minutes, their owner, Debbie came by and introduced herself. Debbie is one of our neighbors. She lives in the white house across from Logan's place. Over the 8 years that she has lived there she has taken on the mission of adopting stray dogs. People drive from nearby cities and "dump" the dogs. Some have been in pitiful shape when she finds them. Dave Watts gave her permission to run the dogs at Riverbend. I believe that she is a good resource for us as an observer and monitor of activities. She tells me that she saw no deer hunters this year but that recently, other game hunters have been active on the property.

Our main roadway continues to deteriorate but remains passable. Small cars must drive with care to avoid potholes. We will eventually need to repair these.

I must sadly report some significant vandalism to a vehicle that we left on the property. Someone smashed all of the windows and removed tools and books that we have kept there. The damage went beyond simple breaking and entering and showed a lot of anger. We have removed the vehicle to a local auto salvage yard.

My current feeling is that we will need to definitively secure the property to prevent use of the property by others.


  1. Hi David,
    My family owns the last lot near the end of the road, just adjacent to Watt's property. We recently camped there and met a couple of fellows who claim to have leased Dave's land for deer hunting. They were very polite and were scouting the area for deer. We haven't contacted Dave yet to be sure, but they seemed truthful to me. I assume they'll wait until hunting season in October? I do not like the idea of hunters, even not on my property, as I walk all along the river, which I thought was considered "common area". We put a cable across the road to our property as it was receiving regular traffic- possibly fisherman but also a car drove up at night another time when we camped there. I am sorry to see the property that was to be "in harmony with nature" degrading.

  2. Thank you for the information. I doubt that anyone has leased property for deer hunting. State laws and our covenants are very strict. If someone is on your property or on the common property you have a right to ask them to produce written proof of their right to be there. I have met many people who claim a right to be there, but no one has ever been able to show a document. Do not take your safety for granted. There have been significant acts of vandalism that show anger.

    David G

  3. Just wondering if anyone is keeping up with the natural gas exploration in the area and what is transpiring. There is a meeting at the Extension Center June 16.
