Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 18

I took a quick early morning trip to Riverbend to see the roadway after a big rain. RB remains a beautiful and unique property. The makeshift gates at the front are now removed. It is just as well, they were never very effective. There is a new sign about 15 yards into the property. It is a good sign with the right message.I see only one property for sale now. It is owned by Ryan Rose burg. Ryan informed me that one of the owners was planning to harvest timber. I informed him that this is not approved by the HOA.

The roadway is best inspected after a rain. You know the old saying about inspecting a roof in a rainstorm. This photo shows the continued deterioration in some areas. These are still easily passable, but repair will be needed. Note that some spraying of roudup has been done recently.

While hiking I came across a remarkable flower. It was on high ground and present in a small clump in a shaded area. Does anyone know what it is? Truly beautiful.

Take care and have a great week!


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