Monday, August 23, 2010

Timber Theft

Timber theft in NC has become big business. The amount of money involved is surprisingly high with cherry and walnut fetching several thousand dollars for good specimens. In 2009 penalties were increased to a class 1 felony because of increased thefts (G.S. 14-135).

Riverbend is unusually vulnerable because of a large gravel road, unprotected entry and absent landowners. Risk factors are identified in this article; timber theft.
"Prime targets for timber thieves are the trees of older landowners who do not see all of their property on a regular basis and absentee owners who may not live in the same state as their trees."

A case from last week shows the extent of the problem; Increased timber theft.

Organized timber thieves do careful research to limit their risks. One year ago I received a call from someone offering to cut some trees for me. He described several trees on my property in detail suggesting that he had actually visited the property.

Many property owners at Riverbend feel very strongly that the entrance must be secured soon.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

JR Moore & Son Store

The JRMoore and son store in nearby Gulf is a wonderful resource for ... everything. It is a classic country store that is part museum, part source of supplies and great source of information. Lisa or Billy are almost always there and usually have their finger on the pulse of the region.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Logging Underway

I visited RiverBend today and heard the distinctive sound of chain saws. As I made my way through the woods to the source, the signs of commercial vehicles with their "collateral damage" became evident. This image is a commercial logging vehicle owned by American Timber Company. I asked them to stop and speak with me. Mr. McNeil told me that his company has been contracted to harvest timber on two tracts in RiverBend. He could not name or give a description of the persons he spoke with. The site pictured here is on property owned by Dave Watts. Mr. McNeil told me that there is one additional tract that he will be working on next week.

Along plank road, several tracts have been clear cut recently. I stopped at JR Moore store in route home and spoke with Billy and Lisa. This company has been very active in the area recently.

When I returned home I reviewed our sales documents. No timber harvesting. Permission to cut trees over 4" diameter must be obtained in advance.

There are many deer stands on the property. Opening day for deer hunting season will be crowded if the number of new deer stands is any indication.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Deer Season 2010

This is just a brief reminder that the deer hunting season in the Central Region of NC will begin in September. The stands that I have seen suggest that the builders intend to hunt with bow and arrow. I expect muzzleloader hunters also. As with prior years, the Gun season will probably attract many hunters to Riverbend, most of whom are unknown to the owners. Please wear "hunter orange" hats or vests if you are visiting your property. I personally recommend that you do not confront hunters about their permission to be on the property, but use your judgement.

You can find information about hunting at the following website:

Bow and arrow: Sept. 12 to Nov. 6
Muzzleloader: Nov. 7 to Nov. 13
Gun: Nov. 14 to Jan. 1