Sunday, October 10, 2010

Riverbend Update

Logging is continuing on Dave Watt’s property near the main road. The trucks and commercial logging vehicles have taken a toll on our roadway. In addition to Dave’s property, commercial cutting has occurred on Michael Greene’s and Steve Lanning’s property. These activities may be completely OK based on their property development plans, arborist advice or other issues. The logging truck driver informed me that these pines would be sent to the Albemarle mill which is currently receiving 100 trucks per day which he says relates to the high price of pine and the cash needs of property owners.
On October 7th, Dave’s brother Rick, was there loading his Jeep. His jeep and other vehicles were damaged last year with all windows smashed and riddled with bullet holes. There was similar damage to my Bronco. Rick tells me that this vandalism occurred when he called the sheriff on a 23 year old male, Mike Teal, living nearby with the Hineken family. He is the boyfriend of their daughter, both of whom are foul mouthed when attempting to reason with them. Mike Teal hunts and traverses Riverbend on his four wheel drive vehicle without any inhibition. The Hineken son (early teens) accompanies him in his escapades into Riverbend. Rick saw Teal on the Riverbend main road on the morning of October 7 driving his 4-wheeler. Rick indicated that there are several pathways of entry into Riverbend used by many trespassers.

The Riverbend dream of a community in harmony with nature is clearly at risk. We purchased property there as a respite from busy city life and a quiet connection with Nature. Now, 8 years later, it has become something else and mostly used by non-property owners. Securing the property is a high priority.

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