Saturday, April 30, 2011

Riverbend Ideas

1. Owner Presence on Property.
Several owners are now spending much more time on the property, either visiting or working. I have changed my work schedule to half time and visit about once per week. Mike Stringham has retired and says he will be able to visit more often. Brian Greene is clearing and planning and may soon start construction. Steve Lanning has been clearing and visits about 3 times per week.

2. Ticks.

Ticks are a big problem this time of year. Always use repellent and inspect carefully. The high deer population completes the life cycle for Lyme disease and RMSF.

3. Roads.

These continue to deteriorate. Some potholes are so large that traveling the road after a big rainstorm is a challenge. Roadwork will be needed this summer.

4. Hunter baitings.

Beginning in June, hunters who plan to spend time at RB during the fall begin to place bait stations to set up patterns of feeding and predictable movements of deer. I always remove these bait stands and leave the apparatus visible so that it can be retrieved by the trespasser.

5. Fallen Timber

Old and fallen timber, particularly large cedar trees, are very valuable. There is a local mill that will process very small jobs. See recent post.


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