Wednesday, August 24, 2011

House in the Horseshoe

Near our Riverbend property is an amazing historic site, the Alston house or as known in the 1700’s, the House in the Horseshoe. It is located in a horseshoe bend of the Deep River in northern Moore County about 7 miles from Riverbend. It is one of the first large houses of the state’s upland frontier country; the House in the Horseshoe was built around 1772 by Phillip Alston and some­times is known as the Alston House. Its walls bear numerous scars and bullet holes sustained during a Revolutionary War skirmish. Of interest to our neighbors are several unique exhibits. These include exhibits on the Indians who once lived in this area, colonial crops, and North Carolina backcountry planters' wives.

For more reading, click here.

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