Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Early Spring at Riverbend

Record setting high temperature has ushered in an "early spring" at RB. Yesterday we enjoyed a great hike and picnic on our RB property. Our guests were very surprised that terrain and views like RB exist in NC outside of the park system. Some grasses are beginning to sprout, but I'm sure that it will be short-lived.

This is a near perfect time of year at RB for planning and exploring. Deer hunting has ended. The dropped foliage has improved the "sight views" and allows owners to envision best routes for trails, roads etc. The slopes, valleys, creek beds and other features are visible and allow for creative planning. The ticks and chiggers seem to be hibernating but birds, including some migratory species, are plentiful. Hiking is easy and comfortable. Enjoy.

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