Monday, July 15, 2013

Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels will perform in Sanford soon. I learned this while standing in line at JR Moore store and listening to those ahead of me. Lisa said, "Great, that means he will be in to visit. He always comes to his home town when he is that close." This is how I learned what everyone else seems to know, that Charlie Daniels grew up in Gulf, NC and graduated from Carbonton High School.

His web site Link.

(From Wikipedia) Daniels was born October 28, 1936, in Wilmington, North Carolina, and raised on a musical diet that included Pentecostal gospel, local bluegrass bands and the rhythm & blues and country music from Nashville's 50,000-watt radio stations WLAC and WSM. Daniels grew up in the small town of Gulf located in Chatham County, North Carolina. His childhood home still stands in Gulf but is currently in a state of disrepair. He graduated from high school in 1955. Already skilled on guitar, fiddle, banjo, and mandolin, Daniels formed a rock 'n' roll band and hit the road.

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