Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Logging continues

It is hard to fathom the extent of commercial logging underway. Very large stands of pine on the Watts property has been cleared. There is no clear cutting except for small areas. Only pine, poplar and sweet gum are planned for cutting, but so far, only pine. This logging will continue for 2-3 more months and has the potential for changing the character of the area. I strongly encourage owners to visit your property and mark it properly. There is a risk of accidental incursion into non-Watts land. 

Hunters are a bit discouraged. Only 15 deer sightings by game cam compared to over 200 at the same time last year. These have been only at night, which is also unusual. They may be attempting to avoid the noise and activity during the day. 

Front gate lock will change on about Nov 1. Everyone will receive a key.
Call if you have any questions,


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fracking article online

A recent article on the investing site "Motley Fool" reviewed the history and current status of the North Carolina fracking controversy. Click here to read. Note in the picture below from the article that Sanford is at the edge of some of the largest deposits on the East Coast.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Beware Logging Trucks

Log trucks entering highway. Dave Watts logging has started at the clearing. He plans to harvest pine, poplar and sweetgum. He plans to save all hardwoods and plant grasses.

Chad Reagan, in picture below, is a one man show, operating 4 pieces of equipment. He told me that this load of pulp wood will fetch $600. Mill-able timber, bottom right, is about 20 inch diameter and will fetch a higher price. Click photo for full view.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Riverbend Owners

Riverbend Owners. Note major stands of timber. David Watts has started harvesting pine, poplar and sweetgum on his lands. Property lines are poorly marked at present.  
DW= Dave Watts, GL = Giang Lee,  SL = Steve Lanning, now Bennie Lee, KJ = Kimberly Jones, MK = Mark Kneilson, MS = Mike Stringham, now Farrukh Hakeem JF = Jenny Fister, SB = Steven Bambara,   BG = Brian Greene, RR= Ryan Rosebourough,   MS = Mike Settledge,   DG = David Gremillion

Monday, August 25, 2014

Road Repair continued

Ricky Tillman has done an excellent job. As the work was progressing, we added several items, resulting in a total cost of $600, an increase of $150. This is an amazing bargain for the work that was done. Added items included: widening of road by 8 feet at this uphill stretch to allow for better sun drying after a rain, 3 washout basins near new cross road trenches (each with multiple boulders), several spot patches between gate and damaged area. See Youtube video. If you have not visited your property recently, this is a great time.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Road Repair

Continued rains over the past week have made the erosion at this section dangerous. This photo shows me at a depth of 18 inches ... enough to flip a vehicle or break an axle. Other areas are knee deep. Repair is urgent. I have contracted with Ricky Tillman for $450 to create a diversion channel above the erosion and put on a new layer of stone. I will pay up front, but hopefully everyone will be willing to chip in to share the cost.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Road Damage

Erosion of road surface has progressed. The heavy rains this spring are causing more damage. This area could become impassable soon if not repaired. Drive slowly on this stretch to avoid more scattering of rocks.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Family Forest Maintenance

An article in Carolina Country magazine is a good review of forestry resources for "family forests."
Carolina Country magazine. Go to page 36-7.