Friday, October 2, 2009

Lee County Commissioner

During a recent visit to Riverbend I stopped
at the JR Moore store to visit with Ray, the owner. He is a wonderful repository of good quality information about the area. While I was there, the Lee Cty Commissioner, Ed Paschal came in to buy some supplies. We had a good conversation. He is knowledgeable about Riverbend and a valuable resource for owners.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Timber Cutting Inquiry

Like many other owners, I have received calls asking if I wanted to sell the trees on my property. Of course we all know that the trees cannot be harvested and that approval must be granted to cut any tree larger than 4 inches diameter.

Last week the call I received suggested to me that the caller had actually visited the property since he referred to specific areas. I took this opportunity to trek to Lee county and do some hiking and photography.

Fall is one of the best times at Riverbend with improved views as the leaves fall. When hiking, be aware that deer season has opened. Currently, it is only "bow hunting." Soon, the "black powder" season will open and later in October, regular rifle hunting will start. During my visit today, I saw no sign of hunters, deer stands or baiting. If you go hiking later this month, be sure to wear colorful clothing.

I took two pictures of "specimen" trees on my property today. They are attached to this blog. Above is a River Birch that is about 120 feet high and 3-4 feet in diameter. Wonderful tree for a treehouse. To the right is an Eastern White Cedar. Both trees are highly sought after for their timber value.

Property For Sale at Riverbend

A new "for sale" sign has appeared in the Riverbend community. This property is directly on the Deep River. If you are unable to read the sign, the web address is:


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pictures Posting

If anyone wishes to post photos to the blog, just "insert" them into the body of the message. They will be moderated quickly and posted.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lot E - Possible Sale

I own Lot E, 10+ acre lot, it’s a nice river front lot and I plan to sell it in the near future, but I wanted to check with the property owners within Riverbend before I went to a realtor. Neighboring lots are B and Q. If any RB property owner is interested please contact me at or 919-854-1994.
Ryan Rosebrough

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Posted Signs

Posted sign at RB.
If you look closely, Riverbend owners is readable. These are at the entrance and several other key areas.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Yesterday while hiking I unexpectedly came upon the Hineken home which is adjacent to RB. I am somewhat bold, so I went to the door and introduced myself to Crystal Hineken. We had a nice discussion about the area and her observations since moving in two years ago. I believe the Hineken family is a nice resource for us. She agreed to call if she noticed unusual activity at RB.

I've now met all of our neighbors and they are good, down to earth country folks. The Acord family is closest and the Logan's are nearby. Their sweetcorn is waist high and should be ready for picking in about 5 weeks.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lee County Website

The county website has a great database of information on owners, sales, taxes and other topics of interest. You can visit the site using controls at the right or by going to this web URL:

Enjoy the surfing.


Deer Hunters at Riverbend

As many of you know, the Riverbend property was flooded with deer hunters last year. I personally encountered 3 groups of hunters and each of these gave a vague description of permissions they had been granted by RB property owners. One owner found a newly constructed deer hunting stand on his property and I have found "deer baiting" devices on my property, spent shell casings, and signs of large vehicles moving through and becoming stuck on my property.

Picture of Deer Feeder on my property, June 2009.

This deer feeder was placed by a trespasser on my property. The deer feeder is a improvised device that dispenses feed and sets a pattern of movement by deer that attracts them. In itself, it is not illegal. However, it demonstrates the extent of intrusion onto our property by unknown persons and their expectations to return later when they can take advantage of predictable patterns of movement.

There are many important issues that arise with this situation, among them, damage to property, security of personal property on site, owner safety, owner liability, and breaking NC Wildlife laws. Current NC law requires written permission from a property owner. The property owner assumes responsibility for the individual they have invited to hunt on their land and can theoretically be held accountable for any misdeeds or injuries. Because property boundaries are not clearly marked in a publicly visible manner, a permission by a land owner at RB is essentially a permission to the entire property. If a written permission is presented to an owner or wildlife agent, as required by law, it is generally not verifiable on site.

For information on NC Wildlife laws, go to To discuss specific issues or events consider calling the wildlife officer assigned to that general area:

Bryan Scruggs, Master Wildlife Officer, 776-1028

We may need to plan carefully for this year's hunting season to avoid a repeat of last year's experience. Please wear safety colored clothing when hiking at Riverbend during the high risk season. Before granting permission to a hunter, please consider the impact on other property owners.

NC Eastern Deer Season-2009
Bow and Arrow: Sept. 13 – Oct. 10
Muzzleloading: Oct. 11 – 17
Gun: Oct. 18 – Jan. 1


Monday, June 1, 2009

Riverbend Blog

The Riverbend Community began in late 2001 with a vision of preserving a beautiful natural property for the private use of owners and their guests. It is a unique natural property located in the bend of the Deep River. It has many botanical and animal treasures and owners are committed by covenant to preserving these.

This "blog" is conceived as a gathering place and clearinghouse for observations, ideas, plans and other information that will be useful for owners in their responsible management of this habitat.

Some ideas that you might consider adding to the blog:
1. Observations/photos of wildlife or plants.
2. Development plans.
3. Security issues.
4. Available properties or interests in acquiring more properties from owners.
5. Nearby political, zoning, development issues.
6. Others? Any reasonable discussion thread is welcome.

David Gremillion, owner.

Sattelite Image of Riverbend

Google Maps offers a wonderful view of Riverbend and the region. Use links to get there. Also, the Lee County site offers detailed information on property/taxes and more.
