Monday, June 1, 2009

Riverbend Blog

The Riverbend Community began in late 2001 with a vision of preserving a beautiful natural property for the private use of owners and their guests. It is a unique natural property located in the bend of the Deep River. It has many botanical and animal treasures and owners are committed by covenant to preserving these.

This "blog" is conceived as a gathering place and clearinghouse for observations, ideas, plans and other information that will be useful for owners in their responsible management of this habitat.

Some ideas that you might consider adding to the blog:
1. Observations/photos of wildlife or plants.
2. Development plans.
3. Security issues.
4. Available properties or interests in acquiring more properties from owners.
5. Nearby political, zoning, development issues.
6. Others? Any reasonable discussion thread is welcome.

David Gremillion, owner.


  1. How wonderful...thank you so much for doing this. I hope everyone is well. We have had a lot of changes in our family over the past two years. Everybody is healthy and happy though. What about all of you?

  2. thank you David for creating this blog.
    family and economic upheaval effect us to.
    I am moving forward with prototyping a cottage on the river and a simple entrance.
    as soon as get some drafts back from the architect...we will have a picnic on the hill if everyone can join.

  3. I am happy to hear of happy and healthy lives. Same for us. I look forward to the "picnic on the hill."


  4. Hurray...picnic...let me know how I can help when the time comes.
    Glad to hear you're still working on your cottage plans, Giang.
    By the way...did any of your bog garden survive the drought?

  5. I own Lot E, 10+ acre lot, it’s a nice river front lot and I plan to sale it in the near future, but I wanted to check with the property owners within Riverbend before I went to a realtor. Neighboring lots are B and Q. If any RB property owner is interested please contact me at or 919-854-1994.

  6. I have some pictures of wildflowers at Riverbend from this past Spring. Can anyone give me some advice on how to post them to this site?

    Sharon Settlage
