Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our TLC Neighbors

The Triangle Land Conservancy purchased riverfront property along the Deep River near RiverBend in 2002. They have an interest in other acquisitions along the river and as their assets allow, I suspect that our neighbors will increase their holdings in the area. In 2007 the NC General Assembly authorized adding the Deep River State Trail to the State Parks system. It will be exciting to watch this trail develop over the next few years.

The TLC recently published a canoeing guide for our section of the Deep River. It contains interesting historical and natural history narratives. Did you know that we have the largest coal deposits in NC? One RB landowner drilled a well and went through several feet of pure coal. Download your pdf at this link: TLC Deep River Guide. The water levels are remaining more stable since the construction of the Deep River Dam at highpoint. This has resulted in more canoe groups recently.

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