Sunday, September 11, 2011

Timber Solicitation

Yesterday I received a mail solicitation for timber harvesting. I am sure that other RB owners also received the same mailing. Timber exports to Asia are driving up prices and the market is strong enough that companies such as this one are conducting mass mailings to line up new cutting areas. According to a recent story ships from China are arriving full of imports but departing empty. This has resulted in very low shipping costs for products that previously would not be feasible to ship to China. Hay is an example. It is cheaper to ship hay from the USA than within China. The same with timber. It is cheaper to buy ours than to cut their own and ship it.

Click letter below to enlarge.

This also highlights the risk of timber poaching or theft (see prior postings on this from last year). As we all know, no harvesting of timber is allowed at Riverbend.

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