Monday, December 26, 2011


Debbie Roos lives in the old historic home with a pond across Plank road from RB. She is the extension agent for Chatham county for an interesting array of activities, including; sustainable and organic farming, beekeeping, vegetable, fruit and flower production among others. She rescues stray dogs in the area and occasionally exercises them on the riverbend property. Information about her work can be found at this link.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Riverbend Lot for Sale

This lot for sale at Riverbend has been on the market since March, 2011. There have been very few sales since 2008.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Greathouse Sawmill

Bobby Greathouse operates a small sawmill on Hwy 421 near Plank road. His work is all "rough cut," made to order and high quality. Recently I took a 6 foot x 20 inch poplar log from a tree that fell at my Wake Forest home and he produced a nice beam for a garden bench ... at a bargain. I have now worked with him on two projects and I am very pleased with the price and quality of his work.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Road Conditions

Recent rains have again filled and expanded the severe pot holes on our main road. These will need to be filled before too long. I drive slowly through them to prevent damage. They represent a hazard and a liability for Riverbend owners. 
Large Pot Holes at Riverbend

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Deer Season Ends January 2, 2012

Deer season ends on January 2, 2012. After that date the movement of people and vehicles and the discharge of firearms at Riverbend should decrease. After the end of deer season, I propose the placement of a locked gate near the front of Riverbend to reduce illegal access. If you would like to comment on this proposal, please contact me @ the Riverbend email address.

Examples of illegal hunting at Riverbend are suggested by discarded carcasses, game camera pictures and in discussion with neighbors and the legal hunters currently leasing Dave Watts' property through Valentine Timberland Management company. Hunting laws in NC are strict and detailed. If you encounter illegal activity, please report to the Lee County Sheriff's office or the Lee County Wildlife management office. They are aware of our concerns.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hwy 421 Progress

RB owners driving down Hwy 1 will notice changes soon. The 421 bypass will open in January 2012. Section A will be complete later this year. Section B North of Sanford will connect to 87 and provide a quick route to Fayetteville. The NCDOT site gives details. This should make for a pleasant trip from the Cary/Apex area to Riverbend.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Poor Boys Hunting Club

While at Riverbend today I met two individuals (Mike and John) who represented the Poor Boys HC and hold the lease on Dave Watt’s land. They are responsible and careful hunters and shared many detailed observations concerning trespassers. They have 4 game cameras and have turned over pictures to the Sheriff’s office. They observed a large bonfire there recently (untended) and have found many 4 wheeler tracks. 

I am very reassured by the two individuals that I met. They are safe, environmentally aware and rapidly building a database about illegal hunters and trespassers. They do not want the damage and bad will to be attributed to them.Their lease is through Valentine Timberland Management. They paid $3,000 for a one year lease. They have been quite successful so far this season and have documented that others (trespassers) also have been successful. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Gas Leases

Many land owners in the Riverbend area have received letters concerning Gas Leases. Also, there have been significant discoveries of gas as well as coal in the area (see past postings for news links). Local papers have had advertisements concerning meetings to discuss the complexities of leasing to venture companies seeking to secure mineral and gas rights. Today's New York Times has an excellent article on the pitfalls of mineral leases. It is worth reading before responding to inquiries. It is very likely that no Riverbend land owners have the mineral rights to their properties.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

High Water

Heavy rain upriver has produced very high water downstream at Riverbend. In the photo above, high water marks from muddy river water show the dramatic levels. This is a photo of the usually dry creek between the Stringham property and ours. The water is not flow down the creek, but back flow from Smith Creek and Deep River.

In another view of the same area above, the water level was about 8 feet above the current level within the past two days. I am at the center of the photo modeling my new hiking attire ... blaze orange vest. Seems a bit strange to have to wear such protective colors while hiking my own property. 

New Posted Sign

When entering Riverbend, visitors are greeted by a new posted sign. This one is near the Private Property sign that has been up for a couple of years. Similar signs are now posted throughout RB.

The surprise is that our property is now posted by a group called the "Poor Boys HC."  I assume that I can still enter my property, but do I now have to carry proof of ownership? Other visitors to the property who are not owners have to be prepared to show written permission to be there. If I am approached by someone claiming to be part of the HC do I have to leave? Who authorized these postings?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Leaf Color at RB

This is the best time of year at Riverbend. The air is cool and dry. There are fewer "biting insects" or snakes. The colors are spectacular.

On Saturday November 12th I drove to RB before daylight with two goals, to look for hunters (there were none) and to enjoy a gorgeous day ( I was not disappointed). Each of our properties are botanical and wilderness treasure troves. I have recently heard of a scupernong-muscadine vine that is 12 inches in diameter at RB. This could not have survived to this age of several hundred years without protection. Most likely the protectors were the Tuscarora tribe that inhabited this area.

Apropos to the season, I encountered a large "tom" turkey on my expedition.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First Frost at RB

November 12th saw the first frost. I stopped at the roadside as I drove in just after sunrise to pick up what I thought was pieces of a torn plastic bag. To my surprise it melted quickly in my hand ... it was ice.

I carefully picked up another one and photographed it up close. Does anyone know how to describe this phenomenon? All were attached to grass and were melted within 5 minutes.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mowed Right of Way

The utility right of way has been mowed for the first time in several years. Judging by the small trees that had to be cut in the easement, it has been 6-8 years since a mowing. This neatly cropped pathway is about 50 feet wide and extends from the Logan property to the Deep River and beyond. It creates an easy hike to the river although descending to the river is challenging. As visible in the photo, an enterprising hunter has placed a near perfect deer stand with views of several hundred feet in both directions. This photo is from the road and clearly within range of a rifle.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lee County Data

The data stored online at the Lee County website has changed recently. When I checked our RiverBend property data in January 2011 the site accurately reflected our purchase date of April 4, 2002 and the accurate price. This changed sometime in the last few months. The purchase date is now 6/11/1993 with a sale price $10,000 less. Other data are correct as far as I can tell although the legal designations are unknown to me. I am not sure how important these changes are. There are changes to many of the RB property owners' data.

You can check your data by opening the above website and
using the controls at the top left. Click the "+" sign then with the cursor (arrow) click our area of Lee county until the property boundaries appear in red. Then click the "i" button and place the cursor arrow within your property and click. Your information will appear in the panel at the right.

Alternatively, you can fill in the owner blank with your name and press enter. Data will appear at right.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Woodland Stewardship

A new website seems tailor made for property owners at RiverBend. There are articles on all of the issues and opportunities that we face in trying to preserve and enjoy our property. There are excellent articles on water resources, wildlife and many others. I discovered the site during a search for liability issues and found their excellent discussion; Land Ownership, Liability, and the Law in North Carolina. Click on this link to download the pdf. This article is a must read.

The website is a wonderful and growing resource ... highly recommended. Click on the highlighted link above or go to -

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hunting Season

November 12 marks the start of deer season. Be safe. Wear hunter orange vests and hats if you will be visiting RB.

Steve Lanning informed me today that Dave Watts' property has been leased to hunters again this year. The terms are different with a timber company holding the lease rights and leasing to hunters rather than Dave doing the leasing. These hunters have put up a locked gate on the main road to prevent others from entering the area. This gate is also ahead of the Settlage property. Mike Settlage was called by the hunters and he agreed to the gate and they have provided him with a key so that he can reach his property. He welcomes this because it may help protect him from the vandalism he has experienced.

The picture above shows my truck outside the locked gate. This seems to restrict other property owners from river access. This is very different from our understanding when we purchased our parcel in 2002.

Mike Settlage informed me that the RiverBend corporation has been dissolved. This creates confusion about authorities, covenants and restrictions. These need to be resolved to protect our property and property values.

Gulf, NC

Gulf (zip 27256) is the geographical center of North Carolina. It is a tiny community located in Chatham county but only 3 miles from Riverbend. The community is home to JR Moore's general store and several historical homes that are regrettably in poor condition. It received its name from its location, at a wide bend in the Deep River. Up to the minute weather info is available at weatherbug to help you plan day trips or visits. Google maps can get you there.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mushrooms Abound

The fall moisture and an abundance of moist leaves has stimulated a remarkable proliferation of mushrooms. These two are large with the base the size of a baseball bat and the top the size of a paper picnic plate. They are not edible of course but their growth is remarkable to watch and the intricacies of their under surface quite interesting.

As I hike and drive around RB I see very few signs of hunting or baiting. It could be that the "unwelcome mat" is out and now understood by hunters. It is certainly not due to a depletion of deer. Recently I saw a large buck with a trophy size rack. It is quite a remarkable place.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Historical Markers

Have you ever driven along country roads in North Carolina and passed an interesting historical marker but could not read it in time? There is a terrific web site to help you out. It is the NC Historical Markers program. If you poke around on the site, you will find ways to map the area and print a related essay. Near RiverBend there are several markers; Plank Road, Alston House, Endor Iron Works, Charles D. McIver, Egypt Coal Mine, Granville Grant.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our TLC Neighbors

The Triangle Land Conservancy purchased riverfront property along the Deep River near RiverBend in 2002. They have an interest in other acquisitions along the river and as their assets allow, I suspect that our neighbors will increase their holdings in the area. In 2007 the NC General Assembly authorized adding the Deep River State Trail to the State Parks system. It will be exciting to watch this trail develop over the next few years.

The TLC recently published a canoeing guide for our section of the Deep River. It contains interesting historical and natural history narratives. Did you know that we have the largest coal deposits in NC? One RB landowner drilled a well and went through several feet of pure coal. Download your pdf at this link: TLC Deep River Guide. The water levels are remaining more stable since the construction of the Deep River Dam at highpoint. This has resulted in more canoe groups recently.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Timber Solicitation

Yesterday I received a mail solicitation for timber harvesting. I am sure that other RB owners also received the same mailing. Timber exports to Asia are driving up prices and the market is strong enough that companies such as this one are conducting mass mailings to line up new cutting areas. According to a recent story ships from China are arriving full of imports but departing empty. This has resulted in very low shipping costs for products that previously would not be feasible to ship to China. Hay is an example. It is cheaper to ship hay from the USA than within China. The same with timber. It is cheaper to buy ours than to cut their own and ship it.

Click letter below to enlarge.

This also highlights the risk of timber poaching or theft (see prior postings on this from last year). As we all know, no harvesting of timber is allowed at Riverbend.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Posted Signs

The Settledge family has put up posted signs on their property with cable barriers for protection. This is increasingly important during this time of year to prevent unauthorized hunting or other activities.

On two occasions during the last month, I have encountered Michael on the main RB road, or on our property. He is riding a 4 wheeler. On both occasions, I have reminded him that he is not welcome and that the property is posted. He has claimed various "approvals" and "permissions" but he cannot produce written permission as required by law and the property owners I have spoken with have given no permissions to anyone. He resides at the Hineken property which abuts RB and it will be difficult to keep him away. Ricky Watts (Dave's brother) knows him well and believes that he is responsible for a wave of vandalism.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chigger Heaven at RiverBend

During a recent trip to RiverBend I had an encounter with “chiggers,” and discovered what many already know, they are much worse than ticks. RB is apparently “chigger heaven” due to the undergrowth and grasses. When I returned home, I read up on the little buggers.

Interesting facts:
  1. Deet is less effective.
  2. They can go through loose weave clothing.
  3. The allergic reaction can be systemic, but is usually local.
  4. They don’t drink blood, but tissue liquefied by their saliva.
  5. To prevent; avoid known areas, wear tight weave clothes, avoid hot afternoons (they are only active when soil temp is 60-86 F); use deet but powdered sulfur is better; keep moving.
  6. Wash skin/clothes a quickly as possible.
There is a good write up in Wikipedia, and a very informative online info sheet from Ohio State University.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Logan Okra

Our neighbors the Logan family have been very kind and supportive over the years. Kenneth Logan repaired my tractor and gave me some great advice on maintaining it properly.

Today I stopped at their farm shed to buy okra but sadly they were sold out. They should have more ready to pick by Sunday. My favorite Logan product is their strawberries ... big and delicious. In season, sweet corn is terrific. Now they are selling dried corn as "deer corn."

Dale was there today baby sitting and tending the vegetable sales.

Box Turtle

The Carolina Box turtle is the official NC reptile. This time of year, they are busy laying eggs. Our section of RiverBend has many adults wandering the high ground looking for a good egg site. This month's issue of Wildlife in North Carolina has a nice article on the terrapin.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Deer Season Starts Soon

There are unmistakable signs that this will be a busy and active deer season. No property owners have leased to hunters as far as I can tell. I have seen familiar and some unfamiliar faces while hiking on my property at Riverbend and they are no doubt scouting the property for hunting sites. See an earlier post (July 11, 2011) regarding strengthening NC hunting laws in favor of landowners.

Be Safe.

Archery: Sept. 10 – Oct. 28 (No firearms may be carried).
Muzzleloader: Oct. 29 – Nov. 11
Gun: Nov. 12 – Jan. 2

Website for hunting regulations.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

House in the Horseshoe

Near our Riverbend property is an amazing historic site, the Alston house or as known in the 1700’s, the House in the Horseshoe. It is located in a horseshoe bend of the Deep River in northern Moore County about 7 miles from Riverbend. It is one of the first large houses of the state’s upland frontier country; the House in the Horseshoe was built around 1772 by Phillip Alston and some­times is known as the Alston House. Its walls bear numerous scars and bullet holes sustained during a Revolutionary War skirmish. Of interest to our neighbors are several unique exhibits. These include exhibits on the Indians who once lived in this area, colonial crops, and North Carolina backcountry planters' wives.

For more reading, click here.